Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy 2015 and a New "Theme"

Can it be 2015 already?  It seems like yesterday that I was choosing "be still" as my theme for the year and here I am revealing my theme for a new year.  "Be Still" took on a life of it's own.  We faced things in 2014. Uphill battles. Hurdles.  Some we are still climbing.  I can't say that I've conquered being still.  I CAN say that I've learned huge, valuable lessons this past year.  I've learned that being still and knowing that God (not me) is in control gives me a certain amount of peace.  It has gotten a lot easier to turn things over to Him as opposed to handling things myself.  "Be still and know that I am God" is much more dear to me now than ever before.

Now, on to 2015.  My theme for this year is from Isaiah 43:19 "See, I am doing a NEW thing!  Now it springs up;  do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." So..."NEW thing" is my theme for the NEW year.  I'm already amazed at how many times I've seen this verse crop up since I've claimed it for the year.  I have a friend that I've been sharing this with.  She calls this "God winks."  I'm excited to see what NEW things that God is going to do in the next days, months and year.  I'm think it is fascinating to watch God work when we open ourselves to His will.  So, with that being said...fasten your seatbelts and hold on to your seats.  Open your hearts, pray for your family, friends and neighbors.  Take your pastors and your churches before the Lord. Really, really pray for them. Let's trust God and see what NEW things He has in store for us in 2015.  I'm excited are you?

On another note:  Facebook is now controlling how we "advertise" our blogs.  So...if you like reading my blog, please look at the top right hand side of this post and "subscribe" to Fifi's Filosophies.  All you have to do is type in your email address and you will get email alerts when I've put up a new blog post.  There will be a link in the email that will take you directly to the blog.   I also love to hear from you.  Please leave comments on the blog as to what God is doing in your life.  I think it is exciting when we share with others how God is working.  I know I love to hear about it and it inspires me to live more for Him.

Thank you so much for reading and following along with me on this journey.  I can't wait to hear and see what God is going to do in and through us this year.

Until we meet again, Fifi

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