Friday, May 2, 2014

"In God's Timing"

I read this quote this past week on Pinterest and thought of you and well, I actually thought of myself as well.  How many of us think that everything has to happen right now?  I know I do.  I missed an entire week of work because of the flu and strep throat last week. I did not have time to miss work. Seriously, I've missed so much work since the beginning of the year, beginning with shoulder surgery, then illness struck, then another virus, and it just keeps coming.  I've used nearly all of my leave time in the first quarter of the year. I don't know about you but I like to ration out my vacation days and take a few here and there. Save some up for the holidays, etc.  I just don't have time to be sick.  I have new duties at work that need my attention and I need to work. I need to be well now. 

It's just like everything else.  We need the car battery to be charged when we get in and start the car. We need the appliances to work. We need the bank to open on time. The doctor's office to answer the phone right at 8:00am on the dot. Well that's what the automated voice mail system says. Not 8:03am. We need the light to turn green. We need it to not snow. Not to rain. We need the children to not be sick, and heaven forbid a traffic jam on the interstate as we are headed to that amazing concert. And on and on and on. All of these things that we need to happen right now causes stress. It happens to me and it happens to you.  "Stress make us believe that everything HAS to happen right now. Faith reassures us that everything will happen in GOD'S timing." Oh how I wish I could just relax and have enough faith that everything happens in God's timing and not my timing.  That is doesn't really matter how hard I try to manipulate life, it's still in God's time not mine. Life would be so much easier.  

It all goes back to my one word for this year, "still."  I've had a LOT of time to be "still." since January. I've done a lot of reading and reflecting.  I've been learning a lot about myself.  I'm learning that I'm not as uptight as I used to be. I'm also learning that I'm not where I need to be.  Faith is reassuring me that everything does happen in God's timing.  I'm getting "solo" vacations. Not exactly as I planned. But very restful, quiet, at home vacations.  It might not be sitting by the shore, or a babbling brook in the mountains but I'm learning to be "still" right here, right where I am. I don't need to pack or rush to meet a deadline to get somewhere.  I've slept in and slept often and in a weird sort of way, it's been good. 

Take heart my friends. Everything doesn't have to happen right now. Have faith and be reassured that everything happens in God's time.

With love and until we meet again,


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