Monday, March 31, 2014

Those "Teenagers!"

Last night was a rare occurrence for me.  I had the opportunity to attend the Sunday evening service.   Normally I'm occupied with other service opportunities. James works with the Grace Notes, our children's choir, so he was with them. Most people sit in the same seat all the time but I like to sit in different places when James isn't with me.  Last night I chose to sit in the section where teenagers sit. I love to be near teenagers. They are so ALIVE and I love to "interview" them. They always have something interesting to say and are the most awesome people in the world. These guys and girls just want you to really be interested in them, listen to them and take them seriously.

I sat near a young man last night who stole my heart a couple of years ago during our Easter Drama. He and his family was new to our church and he and his brother was in our dramatic production of "Declare His Glory." We had a lot of rehearsals and so we spent a lot of time in between scenes chatting. He isn't in the program this year and we were talking about that and other things last night.  I love watching how teens "act" when their parents aren't around and other adults are talking to them.  This young fella is so polite. "Yes mam," "No mam."  His mom would be so proud.  We can only hope that we are training them to be polite and respectful. I can remember when my kids were small and I would ask them a question and they would say "yes" and I would say "yes mam" and they would say "yes mam." I also remember the first time I went to one of Brad's college games and someone came to me and told me how polite he was and that he always said "yes and no mam." Score!

I'm thankful for the teenagers at our church. I'm thankful that they humor an "older" lady like me and let me "interview" them. I thankful that we have a church that loves kids and teenagers.  I'm thankful that we have parents who strive to bring up their children under the sound of the Gospel and bring them to church and I'm thankful we have kids and teenagers who want to come to church. They bless my heart each week and I  want them to be able to see Jesus in me. I don't want to be just another adult in the pew that just passed by and didn't take time for them.  I want them to know that they are loved. I think that I will sit with them more often.  I came away last night with a lighter heart and a smile on my face.  Maybe you should try it too. You might even learn something.

Until we meet again, Fifi

We will be presenting our Easter Drama on April, 11, 12 and 13.  Here is the link for more information.
"Declare His Glory"  Call 336-788-8241 for free tickets or contact me below or on my FB page and I will be glad to get tickets for you.

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