Thursday, October 31, 2013

31 Days - "Thankmas" - Day 31

Ducky Dynasty amazes me.  I can watch the reruns and laugh just as hard if not harder than I did the first time that I watched it.  Some people say these guys are for real others say it's staged. I say I don't care. They are funny.  Uncle Si totally cracks me up.  I think every family should have an Uncle Si in it. Don't you?  Family gatherings would never be the same. That's the thing about the Robertson's. Family is important to them.  They work together. The guys hunt together. The ladies cook together. They all come together to eat and they pray together. We are in a society where many families don't live near each other anymore.  We are spread out everywhere.  When I grew up my mom's parents lived less than a mile away and my dad's parents lived less than three miles from us. Now our grandparents are gone and my immediate family is spread out. One of my sisters lives in Romania. That's not just around the corner. It even gets trickier around the holidays. Right?  And with the holidays right here everyone is making plans. Who is going where, what time are we getting together, are we eating here or there, etc??? Many questions arise and sometimes feelings get hurt in the process.

My dad's family started a new tradition after the passing of my Mawmaw in 2009. It was just too hard to think about having the same traditions without her there.   The entire family had always had lunch together on Thanksgiving day and then breakfast on Christmas morning at her house. Now she and the house were gone and we had to come up with what to do.  So my aunt came up with what we now call "Thankmas."  The extended family, aunts, uncles, cousins, children, grandchildren all get together at my aunt Sonja's on a day between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It works for us and we have a great time together.  Traditions sometimes have to change. It's not always easy but circumstances dictate sometimes doing something different.  "Thankmas" is our new tradition.

As you go about your planning this holiday season, try to keep your emotions in check. As you prepare your table, prepare you heart also.  Remember when you have everyone around your table that it's not about how beautiful the table looks or how masterfully the turkey was carved or how perfectly the potatoes were mashed (inside joke). It's about who you are with.  We aren't promised tomorrow. Make a memory and make it a good one.

Until we meet again,


This is the last day of the 31 Day Series.  Thanks to for hosting.  It has been an incredible challenge for me and one I didn't think I could accomplish.  Thank you readers for being so gracious to read each day.  With love, Fifi  

"Love and family can get you through anything." Miss Kay

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

31 Days - Through the Years - Day 30

Last week, James and I celebrated 31 years of marriage.  We have been through a lot in these 31 years.  The birth of two wonderful children, lay offs, job changes, grief, loss of close friendships, broken hearts, challenges, blessings and victories.   I mentioned in a Facebook post last week that neither one of us was perfect but I didn't know of anyone else that I would rather be imperfect with. "Big Daddy" as he is affectionately know by some of our friends, is the kind of person that gives with everything he has.  He is a hard worker and a great provider.  He is faithful, trustworthy and has the most tender heart of anyone I have ever known. The heart he has for his children amazes me at times. They have such a respect for him that it brings tears to my eyes when I think about it.  He is the one they call when they need sound advice.  I'm the one they call when they need consoling and a shoulder to cry on.   His discernment with people is unbelievable and I always go to him to get his opinion and 99% of the time he is correct. He loves the Lord and is sensitive to the Lord's voice.  He has the heart of his Papa Hendrix made over.  He makes me laugh daily.  If you know him at all then you know that must be true.  This man, that the Lord chose to allow me to live my life with, is precious to my heart.  I always want to honor him and our marriage . Happy 31 years sweetie. Thank you for being who you are. I can't imagine growing old with anyone else but you.  I love you so much and pray that we have many more years together.  

I saw this on Pinterest not too long ago and thought it was very fitting for us. It's just too cute.

Until we meet again,


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

31 Days - A Ticket Just for Me - Day 29

Yesterday proved to be an interesting day for me.  Expired inspection sticker + expired tags + police following closely behind = ticket.  Yay me!!  Just a little pause in the day, sitting on the side of the road, watching all of the cars go by.  Lalalalalala. Oh, and that made me late for an appointment. Less than two hours later I was in a license check being conducted by the sheriff's department.  I mentioned to the deputy that I had already received a ticket earlier in the day and then asked if he was going to ticket me again.  With my current run of misfortune I just wasn't sure what was getting ready to happen.  He assured me that it would be redundant to do so. Thank you, thank you very much. 

I'm always looking for a lesson and I'm sure there is a lesson in here somewhere. Being stopped twice in one day by law enforcement doesn't happen often. Does it?   Anyway, I'm expecting to figure out the lesson sooner rather than later. I usually do.  I will definitely keep you all posted.  It's just a day in the life.  So, tomorrow it's off to my favorite auto inspection center, Mock Tire, for an inspection then to the DMV to renew my tags.  When I saw the image below I thought it totally fit the above situation. I must have had some free time lately. Haha!! Have a great day and make someone feel special!

Until we meet again,


Monday, October 28, 2013

31 Days - New Mercies - Day 27

A couple came to our church several years ago to sing. The lyrics to one of the songs they sang stuck in my memory and I catch myself humming or singing it quite often.

"His mercies are new every morning.
His grace is sufficient for each brand new day.
Memories of yesterday's failures are gone.
His mercies are new as I wake with the dawn."

I'm so glad that we get a fresh start each day. I love the line that says, "memories of yesterday's failures are gone."  We all make mistakes. Say things we shouldn't say. Think things we shouldn't think but His grace and mercy is enough. I'm so thankful that I can come to him with a repentant heart, asking forgiveness and come away with a brand new start. 

Let's take this day by storm and do something for God today.  Be kind to someone. Share the joy that Jesus has placed within your heart.  Today is a brand new day!

Until we meet again,


Saturday, October 26, 2013

31 Days - Over the Brim, continued - Day 26

...Little did I know, that as I jumped out of the car, without my Bible, that I was being prepared for what God would be challenging me with and calling me to do the very next day.

I left Bible study with that Bible in my hand and took it home with me.  I had decided to ask someone at the church how long it had been there, If it had been there for an extended period then I was going to use it instead of letting it go to Goodwill.  The next morning, I picked the Bible up as I walked out the door and took it to work with me. (For those who don't know, I work at the church.)  I asked one of the gentlemen that works there with me and was told, yes, keep it, it was unclaimed and would be taken to Goodwill if I didn't take it. SCORE!  God knew all along that I didn't need that Bible.  You see, I have several Bibles. Not one quite as nice as that one but I have several to choose from. 

I went about my day as usual until there was a call from a young man who was across the street at Wal-Mart and wondered if he could get a ride to church on Sunday. A few minutes after I told him we would work out a ride for him he came to the church and rang the bell. I opened the door and we began to talk.  After some discussion he mentioned that he didn't guessed it....a Bible. I asked him to wait just a moment, walked into the office, picked up the aforementioned Bible off my desk and took it back to the lobby and gave it to him.  You see, God had equipped me from the beginning. He knew that I would need that Bible on Friday morning. Don't you just love it when that happens?  As I was relating this story to a friend this weekend, he said to me, "we should never be surprised by what God does but still be amazed." It's just like God prepared Gideon.  He gave Gideon the exact number of men that he needed to fight the Midianites.  He equipped him for battle.  He prepared him.  In Judges 6:12 it says "The Lord is with thee, thou mighty warrior." 

He is with us. His word tells us time and time again.  He goes before us and prepares us for what He wants and needs us to do. Just trust Him.  

"Today, you're getting tugged out of the shadows. Now, lift up your head and act like it." (Priscilla Shirer, "Gideon")

Until we meet again,


Thursday, October 24, 2013

31 Days - Spread Kindness - Day 23

I would like to revert away from my "continuing" story today.  James and I had an "encounter" with an individual the other night.   We went into a into a place of business that we had never been before. We were not accustomed to procedure in this particular type of  business so we were a little unsure of how the system worked. We walked up to the counter and told the gentleman that we would like to purchase a bus ticket and he, the security guard, mentioned that "she" would be back in a few minutes and that he didn't know where she went.  We said o.k. no problem.  We waited for less than a couple of minutes when he asked us what we needed.  When we didn't say the correct "words" and I'm not sure exactly what he "needed" to hear, he rolled his eyes at us. James tried again to explain to him what we needed and the gruff security guard huffed and puffed and shook his head and took our money. James commented that the man was a bundle of joy.  I said "don't get me started."

After he came back several minutes later with our bus ticket in hand, I decided to explain to him that there was no need for his rudeness. I told him this was the first time we had ever purchased a bus ticket and that we didn't know the procedure.  He started to explain all the reasons he had been rude. Poor James. He didn't know what I was going to do next. My blood pressure had to be sky high. After I finished what I had to say, I then told Mr. Security that kindness went a long a long way and we left.

I've thought about that encounter many times since Tuesday night.  So much so, that I've waited until tonight to post about it.  I don't want anyone to ever say that I was rude to them. I don't want to make someone feel dismissed and unimportant.  I'm sure that in my hurry and haste that I've probably done this before and if I have, I'm sorry.  Let me say this, you are important to God.  He loves you no matter how people treat you in public or at home. If you are on the other side of this story remember that  "a soft answer turns away wrath." Proverbs 15:1 Try to remember that you never know what a person is going through or what they have been through.

Until we meet again,


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

31 Days - Over the Brim-continued - Day 22


...You might even be amazed at how He equips you to do what He asks.  I sure was.

Every fall our ladies have a video Bible study series. We've used Beth Moore in the past but this time our study is with Priscilla Shirer.  I had signed up back in the summer and for some unknown reason I thought I would have plenty of time. What was I thinking? Well, last Thursday night I'm eating dinner and I'm thinking here we are in lesson three and I am already two lessons behind. I had missed the first two because of the wedding and with my daughter's move. Satan was really working on me. "You don't have time for this."  "You are already behind."  "You are tired."  "You've never been busier."  "You could be doing something here instead." Blah, blah. blah.  I was letting him talk me out of going and almost did. Then I said. "I'm going even if I don't get anything out of it. YOU are not going to talk me out of this. I will show you."

So, we left the house, James dropped me off at the church and drove off (already late for an appointment) and as I watched him drive out of the parking lot I realized I had left my Bible in the car. What? No!! You can't go to a Bible study without your Bible. Oh, wait! There are always Bibles around the church. People leave their Bibles at church all of the time.  So, I go to "lost and found" and I find a large Bible. (No! Not large print.)  OK. I'm all set. This is great. I have a Bible. I'm ready. Breath in...breath out.....ahhh....

Our Bible study is on "Gideon" and God began to speak to me from the moment we opened our Bibles and our study books. Now remember, I haven't even opened my study book at home.  It was like God was saying my name instead of the name Gideon. The topic is exactly what God has been working in my life about for the past few months. (I'm a slow learner sometimes.) I've been getting there, slowly but surely. Maybe cautiously is a better word.  We were talking about asking God to open our spiritual eyes so that we can see Him more clearly than ever before. In the next section we find that God is preparing us as He works through our daily lives, that even our most mundane tasks are often preparation for what He's calling us to do tomorrow. Priscilla says: "They can carry clues to what He is leading us to learn and accomplish as we faithfully serve Him."  Then this jumped off the page... "Today, you're getting tugged out of the shadows. Now, lift up your head and act like it."

Little did I know, that as I jumped out of the car, without my Bible, that I was being prepared for what God would be challenging me with and calling me to do the very next day.

To Be Continued....

Until we meet again,


Monday, October 21, 2013

31 Days- Over the Brim - Day 21

My heart was blessed so much yesterday.  I can't remember ever being in a service when the Spirit of God moved  like He did in the early worship hour. My cup was literally full and running over as was many others. There's a lot I don't understand but this one thing I do know...sometimes when God is working in your life and He is answering prayer and your heart is full to the brim, you just can't help but let it overflow. God is alive! No matter what's happening in our world. No matter what's happening in Washington D.C. No matter what's happening in our towns or in our homes.  No matter what's happening all around us, He's alive, He's working and He desires to have a personal relationship with each one of us.

Yesterday afternoon, at a True Love Waits Ceremony, for our teens, our youth pastor demonstrated that with so much noise in our lives, (i.e. the internet, TV, Ipods, cell phones, game boxes, Pinterest, Instagram, Vine, Facebook, and the list goes on...)it is so easy to we drown out Gods' voice. It all starts out as fun but it can consume us. Let's work together to not let that happen. Let's take time out each day for the quiet.Take time just to read God's Word and to pray.  In Psalm 46:10 He even tells us to "Be still..." Get up just 30 minutes extra in the morning.  Take your Bible to work and go to your car or an unused office and read on your lunch hour. But do it quietly and listen. You might be amazed at how you begin to hear Him.  You might be amazed at how He begins to work in your heart. You might be amazed at what He asks you to do. You might even be amazed at how He equips you to do what He asks.  I sure was.

To be Continued....

Until we meet again,


Sunday, October 20, 2013

31 Days - Sunday - Day 20

Lord, I thank you that your mercies are new every morning.  Looking forward to being in God's house today.  Will I see you there?


Friday, October 18, 2013

31 Days- Prayer and Reflection- Day 18

I will be taking the next couple of days off for prayer and reflection. So...during these "31 Days of Grace" I'm hoping you will show me little "grace."  I will be using the time that I normally blog to pray for specific burdens on the hearts of friends and for burdens on my own heart.


Until we meet again,


Thursday, October 17, 2013

31 Days - A Shot in the Arm - Day 17

No....not the flu shot.  A spiritual type of shot.  A mid-week booster shot that holds you over 'til Sunday. That's what choir practice is.  It's not just a time when we come together to practice our notes and prepare the songs that we are scheduled to sing on Sunday, although that's important.  It's also a time of worship and a time of prayer.  A time of coming together corporately to get us through the rest of the week.

It is so incredible to sit in choir practice on Wednesday night and look around and see what God has done in our church. When I first started singing in the choir, at times there would be just me and maybe one or two others in the alto section on any given Sunday.  To sit in a group of altos now that number from 25 to 30 each week is such a blessing. Last night I sat and just listened to the precious voices of the people beside, in front and behind me. Each one with their own story, their own burdens. I listened to them lift their voices to God, singing "Total Praise." What a sweet release from the struggles we face day in and day out.  To come in to God's house, sit with God's people and sing "Your peace You give me, in time of the storm...You are the source of my strength, You are the strength of my life."  I'm so thankful and feel so blessed that we can come together and sing praises to the Lord and I want to take that hour and 15 minutes for granted.

What is your "shot in the arm?"

This is the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir singing "Total Praise"

Have a blessed day!

Until we meet again!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

31 Days -Good Food - Day 16


I love to cook. My mom started teaching me to cook when I was very young and I could cook a meal at 12-13 years of age.  I'm not afraid to try new recipes and nine out of ten times I will "tweak" a recipe to make it better. Cooking for James makes is even more fun. That man loves to eat!  We met 32 years ago today and there has only been one meal since that time that he hasn't liked. It was a crock pot recipe, shared by someone that I worked with at the time, and it really was bad. In recent years I've tried to cook more healthy meals.  Not so much fat, more clean eating. whole foods, etc. Last week I saw a picture of a meal on another blog and thought I would try it. There wasn't a recipe, just a picture.  So...I thought I would share it with you today.  

Pan seared tilapia; oven roasted garlic, purple asparagus; sauteed onions and green peas; 
and fresh tomatoes.

If you read my blog yesterday, you know that I love things from my grandparents. The glass on the table and the scale in the window both belonged to my Mawmaw Smith.

(Purple asparagus seems to have a sweeter taste than regular. Just for the record, when you cook purple asparagus, most of the purple fades. )

I Corinthians 10:31
So whether ye eat or drink, or whatever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

31 Days -The Unexpected- Day 15

Last summer, out of a couple of different circumstances, Phyllis, a special and dear friend of mine asked me if I would like to take a trip with her to Pennsylvania.  Her Sunday School Class was taking a bus trip and Guy, her husband,  had paid to go but something had come up and now couldn't go.  I jumped at the chance! I had always wanted to see the Amish county side and I never go anywhere with Phyllis that there isn't an adventure.  Phyllis is an author, vocalist, children's choir leader, teacher, speaker, interviewer of name it, she can do it. Fortunately, she asks me to go with her at times when she speaks at different ladies conferences.  I always come away encouraged, blessed to meet ladies who love the Lord and honored to meet ladies to have been blessed by the ministry of this child of the King, this prayer warrior and mentor to so many.  I always feel humbled that she loves me and calls me friend.  So, this trip was a little different in that it was all fun. However, God sometimes uses those times to prick our hearts and speak to us
when we least expect it.

We were going to see the play "Jonah" and I was so excited. I love plays, dramas, musicals, etc. and I had heard so much about how professionally these musicals were done.  I've heard the story of Jonah all of my life but when it is played out in living color you get a totally different perspective.  Jonah was a man who was called of God but decided to run at all costs.  He didn't like God's plan. You see,  Jonah had his plan all mapped out on his own and it didn't align with what God had planned for him.   So he ran, or rather jumped overboard and it took extreme measures (in the belly of a fish for three days!) for him to see that what God had for him was the right and best plan after all.  I have times in my life when I'm a Jonah.  When I'm so intent on doing what I have planned that I don't stop and seize what God has planned for me.

I've thought about that musical many times since that day. When the unexpected arises I should stop, listen to God and stop running?  Can you relate to Jonah?

Until we meet again,


Sunday, October 13, 2013

31 Days - Sentimental Ole' Me - Day 14

I think it's amazing how you can see an item and it will instantly bring back a memory of a person or place.  I tend to lean a "little" toward the sentimental side. My mom is probably shaking her head right about now. She would say that out of her four daughters I am probably the most sentimental one.  All of my sisters have a small streak, but for me, that streak is very strong. I just love things that have a story and I love to know where it came from and who owned it before.  We have items throughout our house that came from all of our grandparents and parents.  As I sit in my favorite chair and look around I can see things that belonged to each set of grandparents and one item from a great-grandparent.  I love having their "things" in our home.  I love the barrel table that my PawPaw Smith crafted with his own hands, a metal milk crate that we dug out of Papa Harris' old barn, a milk glass dish that belonged to my MawMaw Miller and a cake plate from James' Grandma Hendrix. Just things to some but to me a memory. I can get out a dish that belonged to one of my grandmas and I can immediately remember one of them putting a meal on the table using that very dish.

Memories but more than that...a legacy. We have, in this day and time, somewhat of a unique family legacy. To my knowledge, all eight of our grandparents professed to know the Lord and when they passed away all of them were still married to their first and only spouse. Over 200 years of marriage between the four couples. Our parents are both married to their first and only spouse and have almost 107 years of marriage between them. Memories of  people who have weathered the storms of life and whose faith carried them. They loved each other through thick and thin and didn't give up. Memories of people who stood the test of time and strong examples for us to be like them and us to hang in there when times get tough.

As I look at the carefully placed belongings of our family, I'm glad that I can look at each piece and be reminded that these people in our lives cared for each other for many years. They loved and cared for us and left us with something to aim and strive for.
 No words can ever begin to express how precious this picture is to us.

Romans 12:12  Be joyful in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer.

Until we meet again,


31 Days - Indescribable- Day 13

Happy Sunday Friends.  It's a new day, a new week. Start your week with the Lord!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

31 Days - Too Late - Day 12

A group of us met last night.  A group that went on a mission's trip to Brazil in March of 2009. It was sort of a reunion/get together with the host missionary family that is "home" on furlough. A missionary family that we have come to love and care for very much. We had a great time of eating and reminiscing about our time in the lovely, seaside town, of Jacuma. Our missionary showed us pictures of the project that we worked on while there. He talked about Places...Projects...and then we talked about People.  Specific people...a couple that we had met while on our trip there.  We shared some meals with them.  They were from a different country other than Brazil or the US so we were excited to meet them and enjoyed getting to know them. We had laughed together as we battled language barriers and had a great time getting to know them for the brief time we were there.  It would be two and a half years later when we would learn about their brutal murders and last night when we would learn details of their last days.

As I listened to how they rejected Christ and the free, simple gift of salvation just days prior to their deaths, I couldn't help but think that maybe at some last moment they cried out to God for His mercy and grace.  I don't want to be remiss in asking you if you've ever made that all so important decision to choose Christ. If not, please don't delay. None of us have a promise of another minute, much less another day.  I want you to know that I care about you. Please make sure that you know.  You may not have a last chance to cry out to God. A car accident, heart attack or other catastrophic occurrence could take you out instantly or leave you without cognitive skills to make that decision. Time is short and nothing is more important than this decision.

Please feel free to share if you know someone who might benefit from this message.

With love,

Friday, October 11, 2013

31 Days -A Sound in the Distance- Day 11

I heard something rumble tonight and asked my husband if it was thunder.  He said he thought maybe it was the fireworks at the Dixie Classic Fair.  I muted the TV and sat quietly and listed intently for the sound again. "Yes! That's exactly what it is." I started thinking about sounds that are familiar to fireworks in the distance; thunder, the neighbor rolling their trash to the street, the bass on a loud radio in a car, tennis shoes in the dryer, etc.  My mind then went to another sound in the distance.  One that the children of God will hear one day.  Maybe one day sooner rather than later.  It sure does seem that things are pointing toward that day. One day we will hear a trumpet sound and God will be calling us home.

"Midnight Cry" is one of my favorite songs. I especially like the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir's version. 

I Corinthians 15:52  In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 

Until we meet again,


Thank you so much for reading my blog. It means so much to me that you stop by.  If you would like to continue reading my posts, be sure to join and follow this site in the upper right hand corner. Felicia

Thursday, October 10, 2013

31 Days- Encouragement- Day 10

If You are Hurting and Need Encouragement,
This is for You Today.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.

Proverbs 18:10  The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.

John 14:27  Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Psalm 16:8  I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

The pictures are from website  Go there in your free time.
Such beautiful pictures for everyday.

Until we meet again,


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

31 Days-A Blessing Named Chuck- Day 9

I was a nervous wreck when my son, Brad, started high school several years ago.   I had so many fears as a mother of a new freshman. I prayed that God would put someone in his life that would "watch" out for him.  I didn't know for some time that my prayer had been answered.

That answer came in the form of a Christian young man named Chuck.  Chuck was a senior and he and Brad were in a class together and Chuck kept his eye out for Brad that year.  One day during the summer months that young man, while working his summer job,  walked into my office at the church, looked at me and asked me if I was Brad's mom. (They say we bear a strong resemblance.)  He then told me who he was and that he and  Brad had been friends at school and he had watched out for him. I was overjoyed at meeting him and finding out that he was a Christian.

Fast forward several years to this spring and this wonderful lady and new member in our church and choir is sitting by me and she is telling me about one of her children and his name is Chuck. I realize at that moment that she and the Chuck that I know share the same last name. I ask her if it is possible if her Chuck could be the same Chuck as "my" Chuck?   Did he graduate from Reynolds High School? Yes.  Did he work for Yeatts Carpet during the summer break at college?  Yes.  And that moment, I had met the mother of this precious young man that had been an answer to my prayer.

This past weekend I was able to see Chuck and his lovely wife and meet his beautiful children. My heart was just full.  I took a moment and thanked the Lord for answered prayer, for friendships old and new and for blessing me and my family with this wonderful family.

Parents: Don't ever stop praying for your children.  Nothing is too small to ask for.  If it is important to you, it is important to God.

Chuck and his precious family.  

Matthew 21:22  And all things, whatsoever, ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Until we meet again,


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

31 Days - Just One Spot Left - Day 8

I've been sitting here trying to decide what to write about tonight while I'm watching "The Voice" and something struck me.  Ceelo and Blake have one spot left to fill on their teams. There was a young girl, 17 years of age, who had a very unique voice. She was good. but not quite good enough for either of the two judges to hit their button to fill that one last spot. They both explained that they liked her but just not enough to fill that spot because someone better might come along.  Then this thought hit me. I'm so glad that my God doesn't have just one "spot" waiting to fill and He is just waiting for someone better than me to come along. He accepts me just as I am.  He loves me just as I am. Most of the time I come to him at my worst and he's still there, accepting me just as I am.

"Just As I Am" Travis Cottrell

"And I'm welcomed with opened arms, praise God, just as I am."  Travis Cottrell

Until we meet again,


Monday, October 7, 2013

31 Days-Waiting-Day 7

Debbie a friend and fellow choir member has been given a new lease on life this weekend.  She has been waiting for a kidney transplant for over five years. This weekend the call came.  Today Debbie is in an ICU bed with a new kidney and a smile on her face, posting her own picture on Facebook 10 hours post-op. She gave me permission to tell you about her and to use her picture. Doesn't she look happy?

Five long years she has been waiting. Some times I get impatient waiting five minutes. I sometimes ask myself the question, when I'm waiting in the longest line at Wal-Mart, "what if this long line is keeping me from being in an accident or other catastrophe?"  Or what about this one....Waiting at the doctor's office.  I always check with the receptionist to see if they've forgotten me if I have to wait 15-20 minutes past my appointment time. Or what's worse is waiting that long or longer in the exam room.  (They should put TV's or at least new and updated magazines in the exam rooms. That would help. Oh and please something other than Field and Stream. Please and thank you.)  It doesn't bother me to wait as much as it used to. You see, one day a couple of years ago something happened that changed my perspective on waiting in the exam room. The walls in this particular office are not the best for privacy and on one particular visit to this specialists office I overheard my doctor give life changing, bad news to a patient in the room next to me.  He later came into my room and apologized for the delay.  I felt so bad for sitting there and being so impatient. When I left the office that day, I sat in my car and asked God to forgive me and then prayed for the lady that was in the next room.  Wouldn't you want your doctor to take extra time talking to you?  I sure would! It's all in perspective and how you look at things. 

I've been trying, within the last couple of years, to be more patient. I strike up a conversation with the person in front or behind me in the long line.  If I'm at the doctor's office  I still ask if they've forgotten me but I don't get upset about it anymore. I just try to think about the reasons that have caused the doctor to be late. Was the patient in front of me getting bad news and he was taking extra time with them?

Pray for my sweet friend Debbie today and over the next few weeks.  We can't wait to have her in the choir again.  Debbie, this verse is for you.  Love you!

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Until we meet again,


Saturday, October 5, 2013

31 Days "My Help Comes from the Lord" Day 5

Psalm 121 is my go to scripture. The words in this chapter were placed there just for me. They were so vital to me several years ago when I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. With this illness came a sleep disorder that haunted me for almost two years.  Insomnia is a beast to be reckoned with. A friend pointed me to these scriptures and I was able to draw such strength from them. When I was lying awake at night unable to sleep I would repeat this verses over and over... vs 3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. vs 4 Behold he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber not sleep. vs 5  The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.  vs 6 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.

Wow.   HE will not slumber or sleep.The LORD is my keeper, my shade. The sun nor the moon will not smite me. Are you getting this?  Why should I lay there awake when HE is awake. He is MY keeper. Amen!!! These verses quicken my heart every time I think on them. I can always go right back to that time when I couldn't sleep and remember quoting these scriptures over and over and remember the peace that came over me until I would eventually doze off. I'm so thankful for God's Word and that He cares enough about me to stay awake all day and night caring for me so I can have a restful nights sleep. 

Thank you Lord for your precious Word.   Thank you for your peace that passes all understanding.  Amen.

This song is sung by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir and it is one of my all time favorites.  I hope it blesses you as much it does me.

Have a happy and restful weekend.  Until we meet again,  Fifi

Friday, October 4, 2013

31 Days-"An Unconventional Auction"- Day 4

Continuing with the book "He Speaks" by Priscilla Shirer, she talks about the things that keep us from being a servant. Removing expectations of the way we "thought" our life would be like, letting go of our love affair with material things, stripping ourselves of the need to be compensated or rewarded  by others when we serve them. Getting rid of bitterness over something that someone has done to us.

Jesus was the perfect example of a true servant. He washed the feet of his disciples.  Washing the feet of guests was usually reserved for the lowliest of servants or a household slave. If He was willing to humbly lower himself to this lowly human task then shouldn't we follow his example and be willing to serve others.

James' Papa Hendrix loved the Lord with his whole heart and he was a true servant. The family decided one year at Thanksgiving that they would have an "auction" sale.  Everyone would make crafts, homemade or baked items and they would  "sell" them to each other.  All of the "proceeds" would go to Grandma and Papa.(Of course they didn't know that.)  It would be a fun thing to do and it sure was.  Grandma's fried apple pies could bring up to $20 for one pie. Yes you heard that right. It was definitely all in fun and you knew exactly where the money was going.  This particular year after the money was counted, they handed it to Papa and he started crying.  He said that a family down the road had lost their home in a fire and he didn't have any money to give them. He had been praying for the Lord to provide some money so he could help this family in their time of need and the Lord had just answered his prayer.  There are so many other stories just like that one.

If you asked anyone of his children or grandchildren if Papa was a true servant of God you would receive a resounding "Yes!"  What a great example for his family to follow. 

Do you know what "tools" you have to help you in your servanthood?  Ms. Shirer suggests instead of saying to someone "if you need me give me a call" to just show up and do. Do you have a friend that is not well? Cook a meal, go over and take out the trash or mop the floor. Do a load of laundry or wash the dishes. Take the kids for a couple of hours.

I have to admit. This is an area that needs work in my life.  Remember a couple of days ago....I did say this book was convicting.

I John 3:17 says "If anyone has material possession and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?

Until we meet again,


Thursday, October 3, 2013

31 days -Something New - Day 3

I had this post all planned out. However, after choir practice last night, I believe that  particular post can wait until tomorrow.  So...I've changed it up a bit.

I'm actually writing this on Wednesday night, following, probably, the best choir practice I've ever been a part of.  Actually, it wasn't practice.  We had church. There was such a sweet presence of the Lord in our midst tonight. Sometimes you just can't explain the way things go.  You can plan your days but sometimes they just take on a life of their own and tonight that's exactly what happened.  The Lord directed our rehearsal tonight. He showed up and took over...hearts were blessed and filled. My cup is full and running over. I'm looking forward to what God has in store for His people, for our choir,and  for our church.

I borrowed this picture from a friend on Facebook.  Thanks Michelle D.  It was perfect for what I wanted to say tonight.

Matthew 18:20  For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.

If you are local then I would like to invite you to come visit us at Grace Baptist Church. Come and get your soul fed. We would love to have you.
Sunday 8:45 AM & 10:45 AM, 6:00 PM (Bible Fellowship Classes @ 9:45 AM with Nursery provided.)
Wednesday 7:00 PM

Until we meet again,


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

31 Days-Impressing Others or God? Day 2

I've been reading a very thought provoking book by Priscilla Shirer entitled "He Speaks To Me."  I've spoken of it before. I read some then go back and read it again, go forward, then go back and read it again. In her book, she writes, "I am certain that Satan wants us to miss the importance of intimacy with the Lord. He wants us to be so busy trying to impress God that we miss out on the closeness He desires.  The Enemy does this because he knows that an intimate relationship with God is where we experience His presence and power.  God is too great to be impressed by all of our activity. People might be impressed, but God won't be. We bring a smile to His face when we sit at His feet, hear His voice and discover the secrets reserved for His friends."

This book is a "hard" read for me because it is so convicting. Like my post yesterday about forgetting things, I'm so busy all the time. My busyness does take me away from my time with the Lord.  Sometimes when I'm sitting, doing my quiet time, I find my mind wandering, thinking about things that I have to do.  When I do that, I not only deprive myself of my time with the Lord but I miss out on the fellowship that the Lord wants to have with me.  God desires to have a closeness with us. He longs for that sweet fellowship with His children. He really isn't impressed with my hustle and bustle about nothing. Of course there are things that we must do. Responsibilities that everyone of us have each day.  But I don't want to get to caught up in all of those "responsibilities" that I forget the most important thing of all. My time with God. Praying and reading His Word every day. I don't want to be so consumed with being a people pleaser that I lose sight of pleasing my Savior.

Are you also a people pleaser?  Are you so busy trying to impress people that you forget to sit at the feet of Jesus and talk with Him?

Just something to think about.

Until tomorrow,
