Tuesday, September 9, 2014

"Change Stinks, or Does it?"

The landscape is changing. Again. The earth moving equipment was moved in and parked across the street from our house a couple of weeks ago and for a few days, sat silent, unmoving and making no changes. Just sitting there, seemingly staring and taunting me every time I looked out the window or walked out the front door. The land that James’ grandparents owned. The field where we played kick ball, baseball and where Brad “tried” to secretly teach Kristen to drive a stick shift while their dad was out of town.  Yes, that field.  The field where deer sneak in and out and come across the road to our front yard to eat our acorns.  Last week the silt fence went up. This week the digging started.  We walked over there this evening and sadness filled my heart.  Sadness for days gone by. Sadness for yesterday.

We wanted to see them one last time. We walked across the road and across the property.  We came upon the barn and an old corn crib that was used later as a storage building. Both buildings are now old and dilapidated. No longer usable and in fact, dangerous. By the end of the week they will be gone. Hauled off on a dump truck. 

As James and Lola walked on in front of me, I started thinking about the new homes that will be built and the families that will be moving in those homes. People that the Lord is placing, basically, in my front yard. Opportunities to build relationships and all I have to do is just walk out my front door.  I’m reading a book that is altering my “spiritual” life these days.  I’m no longer satisfied to simply just “do church” week in and week out. I want more. I NEED more. My soul is convicted about not doing enough. (Transparency? Totally!)  I want to reach my family, friends, my neighbors and community.  Do you ever feel that way too?  I asked myself this question “Why is it more scary to surrender to God’s will than it is to live out of God’s will?”  There is great peace in knowing that you are living in the purpose and plan that God has for your life.  I think, for me, that I’m so afraid of rejection or of offending  someone that I just don’t do or say anything. That’s just not good enough anymore.  We must share Jesus with others. We are commanded to do so. Sharing what He has done for us is not just for Pastors, Evangelists and Missionaries. He has done a work in us and we need to tell others about it. People are dying without Jesus because we’re not telling them about Him! 

I decided last weekend, on a family camping trip, that I would just jump right in and get down to business. No need in planning out what to say and when, just get started and let the Lord work out the rest. James’ cousin, her fiance’ and his son were there. I’m guessing this young boy is around 12 years old.  He is the coolest kid. Smart as a whip and he quickly became one of my favorites. He was helping me tear down our campsite and pack up our gear.  We were having a great conversation and I asked  “T” if he went to church. He said “yes” and then he asked me this. “Shouldn’t you be asking me if I’m saved.”  Have you ever been schooled by a 12 year old?  I said “Well, I was working up to that.”  We continued our conversation and I asked him to tell me about when he got saved. This was his answer, “I cried and cried and cried when I gave my heart to Jesus.” Oh my goodness. Yep! “T” is my favorite right now. I wanted to bring him home with me.  I learned something from “T” last weekend. Boldness.  If a 12 year old can be bold, so can I. 

So…are you saved? Do you know Jesus? Do you know that He loves you and that he loved you so much that He died for you?


Until we meet again,  Fifi

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