Thursday, September 4, 2014

What? I've been Blogging for a YEAR???

August 28 marked the day for my blogiversary! Is that even a word? I think so.  I've been blogging a year now and I can't believe it. When I started this "journey" of sorts, I didn't know if I would stick to it or not. I've had a couple of miniature breaks here and there but for the most part I've stuck with it.  Thank you all for sticking around and reading. It means a lot that you’ve been here with me. 

Have you ever watched someone walk on a tight rope?  Most of the time they will have a safety net placed beneath them. The net is there for a reason. They have taken precautions so if they fall the net will catch them. It will prevent them from injury or even death.   We, as children of God, have a safety net as well. God is that safety net. He is right there waiting to catch us if we fall. He is there to protect us from danger, to guide and direct and to carry us when we can't seem to carry ourselves. We only need to call on Him.  Take your cares, concerns, and burdens to Him.  Breathe his name, Jesus~

Until we meet again, Fifi

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