Saturday, October 12, 2013

31 Days - Too Late - Day 12

A group of us met last night.  A group that went on a mission's trip to Brazil in March of 2009. It was sort of a reunion/get together with the host missionary family that is "home" on furlough. A missionary family that we have come to love and care for very much. We had a great time of eating and reminiscing about our time in the lovely, seaside town, of Jacuma. Our missionary showed us pictures of the project that we worked on while there. He talked about Places...Projects...and then we talked about People.  Specific people...a couple that we had met while on our trip there.  We shared some meals with them.  They were from a different country other than Brazil or the US so we were excited to meet them and enjoyed getting to know them. We had laughed together as we battled language barriers and had a great time getting to know them for the brief time we were there.  It would be two and a half years later when we would learn about their brutal murders and last night when we would learn details of their last days.

As I listened to how they rejected Christ and the free, simple gift of salvation just days prior to their deaths, I couldn't help but think that maybe at some last moment they cried out to God for His mercy and grace.  I don't want to be remiss in asking you if you've ever made that all so important decision to choose Christ. If not, please don't delay. None of us have a promise of another minute, much less another day.  I want you to know that I care about you. Please make sure that you know.  You may not have a last chance to cry out to God. A car accident, heart attack or other catastrophic occurrence could take you out instantly or leave you without cognitive skills to make that decision. Time is short and nothing is more important than this decision.

Please feel free to share if you know someone who might benefit from this message.

With love,

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