Saturday, October 26, 2013

31 Days - Over the Brim, continued - Day 26

...Little did I know, that as I jumped out of the car, without my Bible, that I was being prepared for what God would be challenging me with and calling me to do the very next day.

I left Bible study with that Bible in my hand and took it home with me.  I had decided to ask someone at the church how long it had been there, If it had been there for an extended period then I was going to use it instead of letting it go to Goodwill.  The next morning, I picked the Bible up as I walked out the door and took it to work with me. (For those who don't know, I work at the church.)  I asked one of the gentlemen that works there with me and was told, yes, keep it, it was unclaimed and would be taken to Goodwill if I didn't take it. SCORE!  God knew all along that I didn't need that Bible.  You see, I have several Bibles. Not one quite as nice as that one but I have several to choose from. 

I went about my day as usual until there was a call from a young man who was across the street at Wal-Mart and wondered if he could get a ride to church on Sunday. A few minutes after I told him we would work out a ride for him he came to the church and rang the bell. I opened the door and we began to talk.  After some discussion he mentioned that he didn't guessed it....a Bible. I asked him to wait just a moment, walked into the office, picked up the aforementioned Bible off my desk and took it back to the lobby and gave it to him.  You see, God had equipped me from the beginning. He knew that I would need that Bible on Friday morning. Don't you just love it when that happens?  As I was relating this story to a friend this weekend, he said to me, "we should never be surprised by what God does but still be amazed." It's just like God prepared Gideon.  He gave Gideon the exact number of men that he needed to fight the Midianites.  He equipped him for battle.  He prepared him.  In Judges 6:12 it says "The Lord is with thee, thou mighty warrior." 

He is with us. His word tells us time and time again.  He goes before us and prepares us for what He wants and needs us to do. Just trust Him.  

"Today, you're getting tugged out of the shadows. Now, lift up your head and act like it." (Priscilla Shirer, "Gideon")

Until we meet again,


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