Wednesday, October 9, 2013

31 Days-A Blessing Named Chuck- Day 9

I was a nervous wreck when my son, Brad, started high school several years ago.   I had so many fears as a mother of a new freshman. I prayed that God would put someone in his life that would "watch" out for him.  I didn't know for some time that my prayer had been answered.

That answer came in the form of a Christian young man named Chuck.  Chuck was a senior and he and Brad were in a class together and Chuck kept his eye out for Brad that year.  One day during the summer months that young man, while working his summer job,  walked into my office at the church, looked at me and asked me if I was Brad's mom. (They say we bear a strong resemblance.)  He then told me who he was and that he and  Brad had been friends at school and he had watched out for him. I was overjoyed at meeting him and finding out that he was a Christian.

Fast forward several years to this spring and this wonderful lady and new member in our church and choir is sitting by me and she is telling me about one of her children and his name is Chuck. I realize at that moment that she and the Chuck that I know share the same last name. I ask her if it is possible if her Chuck could be the same Chuck as "my" Chuck?   Did he graduate from Reynolds High School? Yes.  Did he work for Yeatts Carpet during the summer break at college?  Yes.  And that moment, I had met the mother of this precious young man that had been an answer to my prayer.

This past weekend I was able to see Chuck and his lovely wife and meet his beautiful children. My heart was just full.  I took a moment and thanked the Lord for answered prayer, for friendships old and new and for blessing me and my family with this wonderful family.

Parents: Don't ever stop praying for your children.  Nothing is too small to ask for.  If it is important to you, it is important to God.

Chuck and his precious family.  

Matthew 21:22  And all things, whatsoever, ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Until we meet again,


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