Tuesday, October 22, 2013

31 Days - Over the Brim-continued - Day 22


...You might even be amazed at how He equips you to do what He asks.  I sure was.

Every fall our ladies have a video Bible study series. We've used Beth Moore in the past but this time our study is with Priscilla Shirer.  I had signed up back in the summer and for some unknown reason I thought I would have plenty of time. What was I thinking? Well, last Thursday night I'm eating dinner and I'm thinking here we are in lesson three and I am already two lessons behind. I had missed the first two because of the wedding and with my daughter's move. Satan was really working on me. "You don't have time for this."  "You are already behind."  "You are tired."  "You've never been busier."  "You could be doing something here instead." Blah, blah. blah.  I was letting him talk me out of going and almost did. Then I said. "I'm going even if I don't get anything out of it. YOU are not going to talk me out of this. I will show you."

So, we left the house, James dropped me off at the church and drove off (already late for an appointment) and as I watched him drive out of the parking lot I realized I had left my Bible in the car. What? No!! You can't go to a Bible study without your Bible. Oh, wait! There are always Bibles around the church. People leave their Bibles at church all of the time.  So, I go to "lost and found" and I find a large Bible. (No! Not large print.)  OK. I'm all set. This is great. I have a Bible. I'm ready. Breath in...breath out.....ahhh....

Our Bible study is on "Gideon" and God began to speak to me from the moment we opened our Bibles and our study books. Now remember, I haven't even opened my study book at home.  It was like God was saying my name instead of the name Gideon. The topic is exactly what God has been working in my life about for the past few months. (I'm a slow learner sometimes.) I've been getting there, slowly but surely. Maybe cautiously is a better word.  We were talking about asking God to open our spiritual eyes so that we can see Him more clearly than ever before. In the next section we find that God is preparing us as He works through our daily lives, that even our most mundane tasks are often preparation for what He's calling us to do tomorrow. Priscilla says: "They can carry clues to what He is leading us to learn and accomplish as we faithfully serve Him."  Then this jumped off the page... "Today, you're getting tugged out of the shadows. Now, lift up your head and act like it."

Little did I know, that as I jumped out of the car, without my Bible, that I was being prepared for what God would be challenging me with and calling me to do the very next day.

To Be Continued....

Until we meet again,


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