Tuesday, October 1, 2013

31 Days-Impressing Others or God? Day 2

I've been reading a very thought provoking book by Priscilla Shirer entitled "He Speaks To Me."  I've spoken of it before. I read some then go back and read it again, go forward, then go back and read it again. In her book, she writes, "I am certain that Satan wants us to miss the importance of intimacy with the Lord. He wants us to be so busy trying to impress God that we miss out on the closeness He desires.  The Enemy does this because he knows that an intimate relationship with God is where we experience His presence and power.  God is too great to be impressed by all of our activity. People might be impressed, but God won't be. We bring a smile to His face when we sit at His feet, hear His voice and discover the secrets reserved for His friends."

This book is a "hard" read for me because it is so convicting. Like my post yesterday about forgetting things, I'm so busy all the time. My busyness does take me away from my time with the Lord.  Sometimes when I'm sitting, doing my quiet time, I find my mind wandering, thinking about things that I have to do.  When I do that, I not only deprive myself of my time with the Lord but I miss out on the fellowship that the Lord wants to have with me.  God desires to have a closeness with us. He longs for that sweet fellowship with His children. He really isn't impressed with my hustle and bustle about nothing. Of course there are things that we must do. Responsibilities that everyone of us have each day.  But I don't want to get to caught up in all of those "responsibilities" that I forget the most important thing of all. My time with God. Praying and reading His Word every day. I don't want to be so consumed with being a people pleaser that I lose sight of pleasing my Savior.

Are you also a people pleaser?  Are you so busy trying to impress people that you forget to sit at the feet of Jesus and talk with Him?

Just something to think about.

Until tomorrow,


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